Schnaffentangens Top Alfa - Alfa
Schnaffentangens Top Alfa
Born: 21st March 2004 - 2017
Owner: Kennel Imrun
Breeder: Grete Hansen & Frank Torkildsen, Kennel Schnaffentangen
Norwegian Champion
Danish Champion
Latvian Champion
Lithuanian Champion
Norwegian Veteran Winner 2012
26th June 2016 The Affenpinscher special Exc 1, 2nd in still going strong. She also this year got the prize for the happiest dog at the show. Judge Svein Helgesen, Norway
14th June 2015 The Affenpinscher special Exc 1, Best In Show still going strong. She also got year got the prize for the happiest dog at the show. Judge Caroline Hals, Norway
29th June 2014 The Affenpinscher special Exc 1, HP, BOS still going strong. Judge Leif-Herman Wilberg, Norway
29th March 2014 National show in Eidsvoll. Exc 1, BOB veteran. Judge Rob Douma, Netherland
14th July 2013 National show in Vaaler Exc 1, CQ, 2BB, BOB veteran. Judge Anatoli Zhuk, Belorussian
13th July 2013 National show in Vaaler Exc 1, CQ, 1BB, BOS, BOB veteran. Judge Gunilla Skallman, Sweden
2nd June 2013 NPK show Exc 1, CQ, 4BB, BOB veteran, Judge Niksa Lemo, Croatia
1st June 2013 NKK show Exc 1, CQ, 3BB, BOB veteran. Judge Phillip Behan, Ireland
24th Nov. NKK show Exc 1, BOS veteran --> Norwegian Veteran Winner 2012. Judge Kari Järvinen, Finland
13th October 2012 NKK show Exc 1, CQ, 2BB, BOB veteran. Judge Leif Ragnar Hjort, Norway
18th August 2012 NKK show Exc 1, CQ, BOB veteran. Judge Aase Jakobsen, Norway
14th July 2012 National show in Vaaler. Exc 1, CQ, 1BB, BOB, BOB veteran. Judge Leni Finne, Finland
12th May 20012 NKK show. Exc 1, CQ, BOB veteran. Judge Svein Helgesen, Norway
21st Sep. 2008 Show in Lithuania. 1-1, CQ, Cert, 1BB, BOB --> LIT Champion. Judge Inese Pablaka, Latvia
6th Sep. 2008 Show in Latvia. 1-1, CQ, Cert, 1BB, BOB --> Latvian Champion. Judge Natalja Sedykh, Russia
4th November 2006 International show in Denmark. 1-1, CQ, Cert, 1BB, BOS --> Danish Champion.
Judge Ole Staunkjaer, Denmark
26th August 2006 National show in Oslo. 1-1, CQ, 1BB, BOS. Judge Christiane Lafay, France
29th October 2005 National show in Oslo. 1-1, CQ, 1BB, BOS, Judge Christine Rossier, Switzerland
4th September 2005 National show in Eidsvoll. 1-1, CQ, 1BB, B OS. Judge Zafra Sirik, Israel
2nd July 2005 National show. 1-1, HP, Cert, 2BB --> Norwegian Champion. Judge Nils Molin, Sweden
19th June 2005 National show in Nes. 1-1, HP, Cert, 1BB, BOB. Judge Terje Lindstrom, Norway
18th June 2005 National show in Nes. 1-1, HP, Cert, 1BB, BOB. Judge David A. Strachan, Australia
11th June 2005 Norwegian Kennel Club Show. 1-1, HP, Cert, 3BB. Judge Ligita Zake, Latvia
6th March 2005 National show in Eidsvoll. 1-1, HP, Cert, 1BB, BOB. Judge Kirsti Lummilampi, Finland
7th March 2005 National show in Eidsvoll. 1-1, HP, Cert, 1BB, BOB. Judge Harald Aune, Norway
25th September 2004 National show in Oslo. 1-1, BOB puppy, 5th BOG puppy. Judge Torbjörn Skaar, Sweden
24th July 2004 National show in Moss. 1-1, BOB puppy, 2nd BOG puppy. Judge Joao V. Lisboa, Portugal
24th July 2004 National show in Moss. 1-1, BOB puppy, 2nd BOG puppy. Judge Joao V. Lisboa, Portugal
Alfa`s photo album
Alfa`s offspring
Born 14th July 2007
Sire: Jarube Sir Perceval
Born 10th February 2006
Sire: Jarube Sir Perceval
Male: Imrun`s Famous Eight Athos
Male: Imrun`s Famous Eight Hector
Male: Imrun`s Famous Eight Pan
Female: Imrun`s Famous Eight Gaia
Female: Imrun`s Famous Eight Hera
Female: Imrun`s Famous Eight Rheia
Female: Imrun`s Famous Eight Themis
Male: Imrun`s Boris Jeltsin
Male: Imrun`s Joseph Stalin
Male: Imrun`s Mao
Male: Imrun`s Sir Winston Churchill
Male: Imrun`s Theodore Roosevelt
Female: Imrun`s Margareth Thatcher
Swedish Champion
Swedish Champion German Champion Danish Champion JugendsiegerLeipzig-08 DKLBW-08 SiegerRostock-09 Sieger Leipzig 2011
Norwegian Champion
INT Ch WW-08 Norwegian Ch Swedish Ch Danish Ch Nordic Ch Norwegian Junior Winner 2006
Norwegian Ch Swedish Ch
Norwegian Ch
INT Ch Norwegian Ch Finnish Ch Polish Ch Latvian Ch Lithuanian Champion Estonian Ch WWJW-06
Norwegian Ch