National show in Stangehallen 1-2 March
First show for me and the dogs in the house, this year. And the debut for our Lithuanien girl Perla Mazasis Augintinis.
Saturday 1st March. Judge John Sigve Berg
Imrun` s Andersen got Exc1, CQ, 1BM and BOB
Perla Mazasis Augintinis got Exc1, CQ, CC, 2BB and BOB-junior
Sunday 2nd March. Nina Janger
Imrun` s Andersen got Exc1, CQ, 1BM and BOB
Perla Mazasis Augintinis got Exc1, CQ, CC, 1BB, BOB-junior and BOS
Photo to right: BOB Imrun` s Andersen in the arms to his handler Lill, judge Nina Janger and BOS Perla Mazasis Augintinis in my arms
Norwegian Kennel Club` s Internationale show in Sandefjord 8th February.
First show this year for us.
Ann Jorunn took our girl Ellinor to the show in Sandefjord. Imrun` s Ellinor got Exc.1, CQ, 1BB, CACIB and she became BOB