28th December
Last Show this year the Christmas Show in Letohallen.
I had entered our Gosha, Grant Britt Bibigon and he did very well.
Gosha got Excellent 1, CQ, 1BM, CC and became BOS
25th November
James, Ashiblack Double O`Seven, won BOB and group 3 at Sedgley and Gornal yesterday. Judge was Wendy Bray and Alex Forth.
James is co owned with his breeder Viki Shennan Kennel Ashiblack and Sophie Wildig
17th November
Dogs4All is over for this time.
This year I was home since we recently got 2 litters. But Ann Jorunn and Tiril was there.
Friday and Norwegian Winner Show. Tiril entered in junior class and got Excellent 3.
Saturday Tiril got Excellent 3, CQ, 4BB. Congratulations to Tiril and Ann Jorunn with excellent results for our little girl.
November 5th our CC, Imrun`s Crazy Peak, had her puppies and the dad is our Imrun`s Northern Light Bjarne. You find all about the puppies here.
November 11th our Imrun`s Troll Edda had her puppies and the dad is our Gosha, Grant Britt Bibigon. You find all about the puppies here.
24th October
At Midland Counties Show James (Ashiblack Double O`Seven) co owned with his breeder Viki Shennan and Sophie Wildig, won Post Graduate class and was second best male with Res.CC. Judge was Toni Teasdale, UK.
Photo: Left it is James` dad Darkle Hawker Harrier with his owner Sarah Owen and James with Sophie Wildig.
8th October
Norwegian Kennel Club show in Harstad, Norway.
I had entered mother and son here. Dreamberry Funny Fiona that stay with us for a while and our own Gosha, Grant Britt Bibigon.
Gosha got Exc 1, CQ, 1BM, CC, Nordic CC and he became BOB.
Fiona got Exc 1, CQ, 1BB, CC, Nordic CC and she became BOS --> New Norwegian Champion. Judge was Boguslaw Chmiel, Poland.
We send our congratulations to the breeder of our handsome Gosha and owner of his mother Fiona, Vera Lebedeva, Kennel Grant Britt.
22nd September
At Driffield Championship Show the 22nd September James (Ashiblack Double O`Seven)
co owned with his breeder Viki Shennan and Sophie Wildig first time out of Puppy class won Post Graduate and got the Res.CC. Judge was Michael Boulcott.

17th September
At Darlington Championship show the 15th September James (Ashiblack Double O'Seven) co owned with his breeder Viki Shennan and Sophie Wildig won 1st PD, BPD and BPIB. Judge was Espen Engh, Norway
1st September
Our James, Ashiblack Double O'Seven 1st PD and BPIB today at City of Birmingham. He was then shortlisted to top 6 in a quality toy puppy group. James is breed by Viki Shennan and co owned of us (Kennel Imrun), Viki (Kennel Ashiblack) and Sophie Wildig
22nd August
The weekend 17th-18th August I was in Tallinn, Estonia on dog show and with me I had Junior and CC.
Imrun`s Hot Topic Junior B was entered in Junior class, both days and got 2 X Excellent 1, 2 X CQ, 2 X 1BM, 2 X JCC, 2 X BOB junior, 2 X BOS.
Imrun`s Crazy Peak was entered in Champion class, both days and got 2 X Excellent 1, 2 X CQ, 2 X 2BF, 1 X CC, 2 X Res.CACIB --> New Estonian Champion.
29th July
What a fantastic show weekend Tiril, Imrun`s Surprise Cookie has had at Skudeneshavn.
Sunday for judge John Muldoon Tiril got BPB, HP and BOB puppy and was placed 4th in Group Imrun`s Mini Magic entered in Open class and got Excellent 1
Saturday for judge Colette Muldoon Tiril got BPB, HP and BOB puppy.
20th July
We have been to show at Vaaler and 3 of our dogs was entered here.
Imrun`s Hot Topic Junior B was second in Junior class.
Grant Britt Bibigon won Open class.
The star of the day was our CC, Imrun`s Crazy Peak and she got Exc 1, CQ, 1BF, CC, BOB and became a New Norwegian Champion.
16th July
Norwegian Affenpinscher Club had their first official show this weekend and we had entered five of our dogs.
Imrun`s Hot Topic Junior B our star for the day got Res.CC and was Best In Show Junior.
Imrun`s Crazy Peak won Open class and also got her rosette for the most winning Junior Bitch 2018.
Darkle Ghisellesexybelle entered in Veteran class and loved it so more shows now for this wonderful happy lady.
Capricho Ille Ancelntanne in her 12th year had a good day, my litte English Rose
Our oldest, also in his 12th year was Neibade`s April Alp and he got a lovely critique and the happiest little man in the show ring.
6th July
Today in Tuusula, Finland on a Nordic show Ransu, Imrun`s Francs Peak, got Exc 1, CQ, 1BM, CC, Nordic CC and was BOB for judge Saija Juutilainen, Finland. This was Ransu`s second CC.
In England our James, Ashiblack Double O`Seven was second in a strong puppy class for judge Mrs Val Kemeny,
2nd June
Hugo, Imrun`s Hot Gossip Hugo by Chiaffie has been to two shows lately. Today Hugo was entered at Crewe and district and in AVNSC he got 1st under well respected judge Julie Baldwin. Then in puppy group got 1st. Huge congratulations Gillian and Hugo.
At southern counties 31st May Hugo Imrun`s Hot Gossip Hugo by Chiaffie was first in puppy dog.
26th May
We have been to show in Fetsund both Saturday and Sunday. And on Sunday Ann Jorunn went to show in Orre, Rogaland with our co-owned Tiril.
Fetsund: Our CC, Imrun`s Crazy Peak, entered in Open class and got Exc 1, CQ, 1BB, CC and BOS Orre: Tiril, Imrun`s Surprise Cookie, entered in Puppy class and got 1BP, HP, BOB puppy and was rewarded 3rd Best In Group puppy
Fetsund: Junior, Imrun`s Hot Topic Junior B, entered in Junior class and got Exc 1, CQ, 1BD, CC and BOS
Gosha, Grant Britt Bibigon, entered in Intermediate class and got Exc 1
CC, Imrun`s Crazy Peak, entered in Open class and got Exc 1, CQ, 1BB, CC, BOB
28th April
Welks show the 26th several of dogs from us where entered and our co-owned James too.
James, Ashiblack Double O`Seven was 1st Minor Puppy Dog and was Best Puppy Dog. Imrun`s Hot Gossip Hugo Chiaffie was 1st Puppy Dog. Pikey, Imrun`s Pikes Peak was RES in Open Dog and Nemi, Imrun`s Norwegian Winter Rose for Ashiblack was 3rd in Open Bitch.
First photo: Hugo`s first prize card.
Second photo: James
10th March
What a wonderful day I have had ringside at Crufts, I am so proud of the dogs from us, they all got placed. 94 Affenpinschere was entered here.
Pikey, Imrun's Pikes Peak in Post Graduate got a 3rd (11 entries in the class).
Scribble, Veggfjellets Black Pearl at Wizabeanie in Post Graduate got a 2nd (11 entries in the class).
Nemi, Imrun's Norwegian Winter Rose for Ashiblack in Open got a 3rd (13 entries in the class).
Our Butters, Ryzann Ferlin Hampton Rondavoo is the sire to Pikey and Nemi and also Freyja, Cichlas Blaisie Affen to Vanistica in Junior that got a reserve (9entries in the class).
Congratulations to you all. And now we celebrate Nemi's new Champion titles with cake
3rd March
Another fabulous show day for us.
Our Russian boy Gosha, Grant Britt Bibigon, got excellent and became BOB junior.
Nemi, Imrun`s Norwegian Winter Rose for Ashiblack (owned by Viki Shennan) got CQ, 1BB and became BOB today too.
What a wonderful weekend we have had with all our entered dogs. So happy and proud of them all
2nd March
We have had a fantastic day at the show in Letohallen today.
Lillegutt, Imrun`s Fats Domino was BPD and got HP and was awarded BOB puppy.
Nemi, Imrun`s Norwegian Winter Rose for Ashiblack (owned by Viki Shennan) was 1BB got CC and became BOB.
Nemi got the last CC she needed to get her tittles Norwegian Champion and Swedish Champion.
I am so happy and grateful to Viki for letting me have Nemi here this time. Next week she will travel with me to Crufts, back to Viki I have had a great time showing her here in Norway and Sweden.
17th February
What a fantastic show weekend we have had in Bø, Norway.
Nemi, Imrun`s Norwegian Winter Rose for Ashiblack owned by Viki Shennan, did great.
Friday on the International show Nemi got CQ, CC, CACIB and BOB.
Saturday on the Nordic show Nemi got CQ, CC and the Res.Nordic CC.
What an amazing little affenpinscher girl Nemi is, I am so proud of her
7th January
What a wonderful weekend we have had in Sweden on My Dog.
Ch Nemi, Imrun`s Norwegian Winter Rose for Ashiblack (owned by Viki Shennan) has done fantastic both on Saturday on the Nordic Show and today Sunday on the International Show.
Nemi got the Bitch CC and Res.CACIB on the International Show today for judge Anders Tunhold-Hanssen.
Yesterday she got the Bitch CC and the Res.Nordic CC for judge Simu Calin